Rose Quartz Ceremonies Privacy Policy
- What data do we collect?
We only collect the data that is relevant to the particular ceremony we are performing to enable us to perform the ceremony. So, for example, name address, phone number, relatives etc..
- How do we collect the data?
The information is gathered either in a face to face meeting, telephone call or a web based virtual meeting. The information will normally be handwritten. Sometimes the information may be digitally recorded and later transferred over to handwritten notes. In this case the original digital recording will then be deleted once the transfer to paper has been completed.
- How will we use the data?
The information gathered will only ever be used by Rose Quartz Ceremonies for the purpose of being able to perform the particular ceremony that is required. No data will be passed on or sold on to any third parties.
- How will we store the data?
The data will only ever be stored in paper format for a maximum of three years. Any digital recordings will have been deleted once transferred over to paper format. The paper copies will be stored securely with access only being allowed to Rose Quartz Ceremonies.